Hello everybody!!!So,this is my very first post on my blog. I decided to share with you 15 bookish fact about me to get to know me more. Hope you enjoy it.....
Fact#1: I start reading books in English recently like very recently last November and the first book that I read is the lost hero by Rick riordan the first book in heros of Olympus series and if one I meet Rick Riordan I want to thank him for that because reading books in English really changed my life.

Fact#2: my reading challenge this year is to read 60 books I have already read 27 and I am sure that I can do it speaking of goodreads This the link of my account:https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/49675760-aicha
Fact#3: The books that got into reading are hunger games trilogy by Suzanne Collins and Harry Potter by j.k Rolling
Fact#4: Speaking of Harry Potter I am hufflepuff and proud I don't why people hate hufflepuff students they think stupid dumb comment down below which hogwart house are you from??
Fact#5: I have just one book from second hand book stores.
Fact#6: I have just 40 books in my book shelf because:
1. I started buying books recently
2. I am not addicted to buying books they are so expensive !!!

Fact#8: The weirdest book that I read is we were liars by E.Lockhart I just don't understand what happened at the end it was so short and weird and guess how many stars I gave it on goodreads 5 ?? Why ?? Because it was very unique and weird at the same time I don't know how to explain it to you but If you want to read it I highly recommend you to read without reading any summery !!
fact#9: At the moment I love Ebooks more that physical copies of books because most of the book that I read are not available in our bookstore and It's faster than reading when I have a physical copy!!!
Fact#11: I don't have problems with rereading books I reread Harry Potter and Percy Jackson before.
Fact#12: I have never listened to an audiobook !
Fact#13:The first booktubers that I discovered is little book owl and it was her 2014 bookshelf tour.

Fact#14: I have a pink and it's so ugly.
Fact#15: I organize my bookshelf twice a week why because I don't have a lot of books and also I love my books they are babies and I love taking care about them.....
So, I hope you like it COMMENT down below if we have something in common??? I will try to upload twice a week and yeah that's it for today see you next time....
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